Welcome to SSSJ ADS
An award winning amateur theatre, presenting three shows a year. A pantomime for all the family, a summer show and a play.
Held at different venues due to the lose of our previous venue *St Simon and St Jude School Hall*.
(*Please check tickets for location- Due to building fire at SS Simon & Judes School, locations will change)
Curent Production

NODA District 5 Nominations
NODA D5 2023- Adult
Best Comedy Duo Performance*
Nicola Walsh & Lyndsay Sheppard---Skull-Duggery & Cross-Bones-Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
David Crank----------Davy Jones & Hocus Pocus---Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Supporting Performance in a Pantomime
John Gordon---------Nutty Nick----Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Concert/Review
Star Shine-A Youth Variety Show -S.S.Simon & Jude’s ADS & Trinty Drama Group
Best Pantomime Dame
Suzanne Smith-----Margarita Juicilita-Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Leading Performance in a Pantomime
Caitlin Owen-----Robinson Crusoe—Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Hannah Bowerbank----Juanita Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Choreographer of a Pantomime
Jennifer Cooper-----------Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Director of a Pantomime
Helena Alice---Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
Best Pantomime
Robinson Crusoe & The Pirates
NODA D5 2023- Youth
Best Female Character in an Adult Production
Francesca Hutchings --- Man Friday
Youth Concert/Review
Star Shine-A Youth Variety Show --- S.S.Simon & Jude’s ADS & Trinty Drama Group